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Congrats on purchasing the Chic Style Twist course! Here’s the thing that will really take your style to the next level!

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I created Seasonal Color Palette Confidence to take your learning so you can instantly look younger, more vibrant, and have glowing skin.

Hundreds of women have purchased the Seasonal Color Palette Confidence course because they want to instantly transform their look. 

Most take advantage of the savings and purchase this incredible offer. Kickstart your style transformation NOW and save 43% by bundling both courses...

You'll learn about:

Grab Seasonal Color Palette Confidence now to take advantage of the savings.

  • Identify your personal color season.
  • And in-depth dive into your season and why it matters.
  • Discover the 4 pillars of your color palette.
  • Learn to expand your color palette beyond the limited swatch cards.
  • Get your foundational colors right for a cohesive look.
  • Put it into action when you tie it all together.
  • Get a free printable color palette in your season.
  • Learn to shop your closet and make the most of your current wardrobe!
  • Join a supportive community and connect with other women on the same journey.

More details on Seasonal Color Palette Confidence

Module 1

With my exclusive Quick and Easy Way to Find Your Best Colors method, you’ll discover your best color palette, so you can look and feel amazing every day!

Module 2

Start wearing your best colors right away! Learn all about your color season, why it matters, and an overview of your best personal color palette.

MOdule 3

To understand your colors, you’ll learn the 4 pillars of your color palette and have the right foundation for finding your colors in the real world.

MOdule 4

No need to have color palette envy! Every color season can wear every color, you just have to find the right version for you, and you’ll learn to easily identify your version.

Module 5

Nudes and neutrals are the color essentials that don’t get enough love. They are the make-or-break foundation of every wardrobe and outfit, and it’s essential to get them right. 

module 6

It’s time to put it all into action by learning the best patterns, jewelry, and makeup for you, and the colors to avoid, so you can style it all together. Get my secret shopping tips to identify best your colors and avoid shopping mistakes.

Bonus 1

Skip the guesswork with a printable color palette tailored to your season.

Bonus 2

Learn to shop your closet to make the most of your current wardrobe each season with shopping lists customized to your color palette. Your wardrobe just got put on “easy mode”.

Bonus 3

Join a supportive community and connect with other women on the same journey.

sEasonal Color Palette Confidence normal price: $147

$97 For Today Only

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