My 5 Best Tips To Make Getting Dressed The EASIEST Thing You’ll Do All Day! (Really!)

tips to getting dressed

does the thought of putting together an outfit stress you out?

Take the stress out of getting dressed

As part of the Shop Your Closet Challenge happening in my free Capsule Wardrobes for Classic Style Facebook group, we’ve been discussing ways to look our best every day! And let’s admit…we’ve all been there…staring at a closet full of clothes and dreading picking what to wear that day. In this article, I’m sharing my best tips to make getting dressed the easiest thing you’ll do all day! 

I love making this happen for women so much that I started the Stunning Style Society years ago to make this possible for as many women as possible. In the Society, you get 

  • Seasonal capsule wardrobe guides to make shopping as easy as possible – whether from your closet or a store!
  • Monthly outfit calendars (so you don’t even have to think about what to put on that day if you don’t want to)!
  • Weekly Style Secrets from me live!
  • An exclusive Facebook group for Society members only where we support each other in our style journeys!
  • An exclusive website with more content on how to look your best every day, including make-up and hair tutorials!
  • And much much more!
I went in to a convenience store for a cup of coffee after filling up with gas today. The girl at the counter said “you look so professional!” I was in black jeans, black booties, a striped t-shirt, duster cardigan. Earrings and my fitbit were my only accessories. Like April says, I wasn’t nearly as dressed up as she seemed to think!

1. Purge, Purge, Purge!

Get rid of anything you don’t love.

We just finished this closet clean out last week to purge anything that doesn’t fit, isn’t fit to wear, doesn’t suit you, or you like, but don’t love enough to take care of it.

Those were items that were standing between you and what you really want to wear, so let it go! Now you can get to the items you really love. Your absolute favorites. The ones that make you look and feel amazing.

Clearing out anything that doesn’t achieve that is making way for you to wear the ones that do. If you have to hunt and dig like you’re on an archaeological expedition to find that top you wanted, you’re likely to give up and grab whatever. Then you spend the day in something you don’t love.

When you can see all your favorites, you can wear them whenever you want.

One of the best things about the Stunning Style Wardrobe Guides is you have direction with your wardrobe, your shopping, and you know it all goes together! And it includes 100 outfits so you don’t even have to figure out how to put them together! It’s wardrobe and outfit creation from start to finish!

2. build outfits around your favorites!

Pull out your favorites and plan outfits around those

Now that you can easily get to your favorites, pull them out and plan outfits around them! You will always feel and look your best when you wear something you love, and the easiest way to do that is wear your favorites!

I know some of you are outfit shoppers and this sounds really daunting, but I’ve got some tips to help you.

Pick a few favorite items and try create outfits you can wear with that item. This is one of those things that feels hard for a few minutes, but once you start, you may find you don’t stop at 3!

If it’s a top, try holding it up to the different pants in your closet. Then take that top and pants and go over by your shoes and hold them up to each pair.

Do the same with your accessories and layers, and before you know it, you’ve got outfits!!

Another option is to go to Pinterest and type in the item + outfit and see what comes up. So if your favorite items is a striped tee, type in striped tee outfits and see what comes up. Now that you know how to shop your closet, you’ll be able to use those inspiration outfits to create your own.

If you want to skip this step altogether, in the Wardrobe Guides I create 100 outfits and a monthly outfit calendar. Just look at the outfit calendar and put on the outfit of the day and you’re done! Not only that, the guides give you inspiration to make the most of your existing wardrobe that tells your style story.

3. keep an album of selfies!

Now this one I can’t do for you, but it is extremely helpful! Take outfit pictures and keep them in an album on your phone. Don’t cringe! No one has to see them but you. Taking a selfie is extremely helpful, and members of the Society will attest. It helps you see the truth about an outfit, whether you love it or don’t, and it helps you figure out why! Not only that, if you keep them in an album on your phone, you have an easy reference guide to…

4. repeat your favorites!

Here’s the thing, I love this navy sweater, I love my leopard shoes, I love my favorite jeans, and I will wear them as often as I feel like it (which is often). I feel FABULOUS when I wear them, so why wouldn’t I?

 In the last few decades this “more is more” attitude has invaded our society, particularly in reference to our closets. We think we can’t wear the same thing again – PEOPLE WILL KNOW! 

I consistently repeat items and outfits, and seeing it lined up in my Instagram feed would seem to make it obvious, but no one has ever said anything, because it doesn’t really matter, does it? The three outfits above are from the last month, and they are pretty similar, repeating core items.

Think of the media storm that happens every time Kate Middleton repeats an outfit or an item. Why is it such a big deal? She has a very clearly defined signature style, she obviously loves those items, so why shouldn’t she wear them again? And why shouldn’t we?

The whole point of a capsule wardrobe is to have a curated collection of favorites – instead of a closet full of meh – and for it to be so cohesive that it all goes together, reflects your signature style, and makes getting dressed a breeze. 

Everything in my wardrobe is a favorite, the collection is cohesive, and it effortlessly reflects my signature style, so no, I’m not bored, and my outfits are definitely not boring. Would you be bored of spending time with your favorite people instead of a bunch of people you just kind of like? I doubt it.

With the Wardrobe Guides and calendars, I schedule out your favorites so you get to rotate through and spend time with all of them!

5. Plan!

We’ve all heard the saying, “If you fail to plan you plan to fail” After you create a few outfits, pick out your outfits the night before or for the whole week when you aren’t rushed, stressed, half asleep, hungry, late, or wrestling children, pets, or husbands. Either lay them out on the floor or the bed and snap a pic on your phone, or hang the items together at the front of your closet. Having a plan will make it infinitely easier to get dressed. 6 am is not the time to be making hard decisions! The wardrobe calendars do this for members of the Society, and if you have plenty of other things on your plate, you don’t have to worry about it! I’ve got you covered! I do all the curating, planning, shopping, outfit creating for you.
The Style Guides that April creates are a beautiful and cohesive way to help take my personal expression through style to the next level. [It] had SO many fabulous choices, and was organized in a way that made it easy and fun to look for what I wanted to add. I also love that April encourages you to ’shop your closet” first, but then the Guides help find the perfect pieces to add to what you already have! So excited for the next one to come out! Thanks April!
- Elizabeth H.
Society Member

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