Easy Everyday Eye Makeup Without Brown Eyeshadow!
Hey guess what? Not everyone looks great in brown eyeshadow. I'm one of them. I have cool tones to my skin, and brown makes my
What You Need To Know About Depression: MTHFR Mutation Symptoms
When I found out I was homozygous for the MTHFR gene mutation c677t, it was like a lightbulb. It explained so many of my health
How To Quit Skinny Jeans
What I Wore When I Wore It Better
This week I decided to go back and find 8 outfits from a few years ago and tweak them to look and fit better. One
What You Should Know About Niacin And Depression
Depression is isolating. You keep the symptoms hidden, even from yourself. Recovery and treatment feel impossible and overwhelming. A few years ago when I realized
What I Wore When I Made Bold Colors Feel Like Fall
I'm loving the perfect crisp fall weather. It's cold enough for layers and not so cold I'm in danger of hypothermia. I rescued my tomatoes
What I Wore When I Loved My Life
What a full week! I had company come stay, a huge weekend event, met a bunch of wonderful new friends, and I launched my new
What I Wore When I Wore Black All Week
This week has been a bear. So busy and stressful, so I retreated to black. Even my husband said to me a few days ago,
What I Wore When It Started To Feel Like Fall
The weather is finally starting to cool down! I'm so glad because I love to wear jeans much more than shorts, and now it's socially
35 Errands You Can Run Before 10AM
I'm often out of the house early for school drop offs, sports practices, or workouts, and since I'm already out, I want to do a
What I Wore When We Didn’t Go Out Of Town
How was your Labor Day? Summer is officially over, and the temperatures have soared again, but fall will be here soon. This is what I
What I Wore After The Kids Went Back To School
Has school started where you live? This is week two, and I'm still trying to recover from the summer. That means I didn't wear a
Free Masterclass: It's Not You, It's the Pants!
Four Tips to Buy the Perfect Pants so You Never Have a Muffin Top Again!